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Error al deserializar el cuerpo del mensaje de respuesta para la operación 'Translate'. Se superó la cuota de longitud del contenido de cadena (8192) al leer los datos XML. Esta cuota se puede aumentar cambiando la propiedad MaxStringContentLength en el objeto XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas que se usa para crear el lector XML. Línea 1, posición 8876.
Most of us have vivid memories of our mother's admonishing us to eat our vegetables, and according to my recollection, I hated them. Actually in retrospect I don't believe I hated vegetables, but I did hate the concoction that posed as vegetables which ended up on my plate. Certainly they weren't lovely, fresh, organic vegetables with all of their textures and colors in tact. What ended up on my plate were taken out of a plastic bag of frozen vegetables, boiled until they were rather slimy and then slathered with margarine and salt in order to make them a bit more palatable. I say this because these were some of the ingrained memories I had to deal with when I decided to become a vegetarian. My ultimate decision was based on many factors including overall health, environmental concerns, and compassion for the animals that share our planet. Nevertheless the choice to become a vegetarian was a bit daunting due to my memories of my dislike for vegetables.
In American society today, I would venture to guess that there are a vast amount of people (maybe the majority) who have an aversion to vegetables. We are a fast-food society and as such the thought of becoming a vegetarian or vegan might be a bit scary for most. Now add to this the thought of eating most of your vegetables raw, and it is easy to see how most folks would eliminate themselves from even considering such a lifestyle.
The recommended daily amount of fresh fruits and vegetables is somewhere between five and nine servings. Since you really can't eat too many fresh fruits and vegetables I believe nine servings or more should be the norm but that is my opinion. Most Americans, however, do not even get close to the low number, unless of course french fries and ketchup are to be considered vegetables. Or as my brother once jokingly said to me, "Chicken is the only vegetable I eat." Unfortunately, that statement was probably close to the truth for him, and I would not be surprised if that could be said for a very large number of Americans.
Many people who have studied the science of raw nutrition and have adopted it as a lifestyle didn't come to such a decision singing and dancing. Many were forced to adhere to this way of life due to health problems ranging from being morbidly obese to being told they are sick enough to die. Some of these have found the transition to raw food a major challenge, and they have struggled with issues such as just the idea of raw vegetables making them want to gag, much less ever having a glimmer of hope that they might actually taste good. My own aversion to vegetables was not nearly that strong, and I did not begin to gradually adopt such a lifestyle due to immediate health concerns since I was actually in very good health, but nevertheless I had some mental hurdles to overcome upon deciding to practice a vegetarian way of life. I can also say that I am not yet 75 to 100 percent raw which is pretty much the standard for considering oneself a raw foodist. I am 100 percent vegetarian, however, and I would say that nearly 50 percent of the food I eat is raw.
Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Are Good For You -- The Standard American Diet (SAD) Is Not
If fresh fruits and vegetables were not extremely good for you it wouldn't be a problem to just leave them out of the shopping cart and stick to processed and refined foods at the grocery store and fast food hamburger joints for the other percentage of your dietary needs. As I look around, I notice that this is exactly what many Americans actually do, however, and hence our outbreak of obesity, diabetes, and soaring rates of cancer and heart disease.
We are a society who have become addicted to processed and refined foods, and as a society we find it almost impossible to pass up at least one visit per day to the Golden Arches or some other poison dispensary. Many of us begin our day with the breakfast menu at our favorite fast food joint, and then go back for lunch. At night we sit down to a T.V. dinner, a pot pie, or a take out pizza, and we wonder why we are fat and sick. We complain that our doctor bills are far too high and so the endless debates and fighting about how best to solve the crisis of health care in this country.
Big food business has spent a ton of money to research exactly what it is that will get you addicted to their food and they have done a great job too. You are now addicted to sweeteners, artificial preservatives, genetically modified foods (which are really not food at all) and sugar. No wonder the thought of eating fresh fruits and vegetables makes you want to throw up. Your taste buds have been altered and you truly are a junk food addict. I could just as easily use the term NON FOOD ADDICT because the food that you are eating out of the box or can or from your local fast food joint is really not food at all. It is made in a lab, and has been genetically altered.
Sugar is one of the main reasons big food business has enjoyed your supreme loyalty and all the money that goes with it. There is some variety of sweetener in literally everything that is prepared commercially. If you can't pronounce it, it is very likely some form of sweetener. The most dastardly sweetener of all is high fructose corn syrup. This might not sound that bad but please note that the word corn is not the same kind of corn you see when you go to your local grocers. This corn is genetically engineered and is used for such things as fuel as well as sweetener, but it is not edible for human consumption any longer. Of course it is much sweeter than regular sugar and that is why if this or some other sweetener was not present in virtually every bit of food you eat, you wouldn't be back for seconds.
Big food business has made you an addict and they have literally re-programmed your taste buds so that even the thought of a fresh organic vegetable makes you queasy. Someone has termed the food you eat "frankenfood" and that is a good designation because it was made in a laboratory, but the amazing thing is that this genetically altered food gets you salivating and excited upon just smelling it, while the fresh, vibrantly colorful appearance, smell, and taste of whole living food from God's Garden makes you ill. Big food business is responsible for doing that to you and it is high time that you pull your overweight, undernourished body out of your easy chair and say NO to your soon coming heart attack. Say NO to an industry who puts profit above your nutrition or your health. Say NO to a degenerative disease and an early grave.
Americans need to take charge of their own health and quit selling it to big business. There should be no health care debate in this country because we are the most affluent society on earth and we can really choose to eat anything we want. Healthy healing food is readily available and for the most part is much cheaper to buy than the junk we have been gorging ourselves on. But even if the cost of healthy, fresh, organic fruits and vegetables were ten times higher than the poison we have been ingesting, I assure you all of that cost will be put back in your pocket when a third of your income is not spent on visits to the doctor and statin drugs which cannot now and never will be able to provide one iota of healing for your body.
If you are like most Americans, swept up in a "frankenfood" culture and almost allergic to healthy living foods, I implore you to begin to make a positive change to a diet that promotes health, healing and overall well-being, and turn your back on your artery clogging, digestion stopping, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease promoting non-food addiction. W.H. Auden wisely said that "Health is the state about which medicine has nothing to say." You can eat yourself healthy, or you can eat yourself to death, but please be clear that both of those choices are in your power to decide. Statistically speaking you are going to die of heart disease, cancer, stroke, or just live out your years with a degenerative and chronic disease that makes life almost unbearable. You will give a large portion of your life savings for surgery or drugs that will never heal you but will only prolong the agony. If this does not sound acceptable to you than please make the common sense choice to do something about it. Such a paradigm shift will not be easy but it WILL save your life. Choose life and whole living foods that heal the body and soul and may God richly bless your journey!
I am passionate about health issues, and the state of the health of our wonderful America. I believe the American diet is literally killing us and that a steady flow of money and perks from the meat, egg, and dairy industries to the U.S. government is the reason we have had a long sustained brainwashing campaign that has precipitated the shift from a predominantly plant-based diet to an animal-based diet. The result has been an unprecedented increase in heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancers of all varieties. I believe Americans are suffering from a lack of truthful information concerning our diets. I enjoy writing motivational articles that will help to correct the problem regarding this lack of information and also examine the prevailing misinformation in the light of truth.
Healthy Vegetarian Choices For Life
Dedicated to the advancement of informed choices that will benefit our health, our environment, and our animal friends.
Please visit my website at and look around awhile. I would very much appreciate comments concerning your reaction to what I have written as well as any input that might aid me in the task of making my site more helpful. I thank you in advance for your consideration.
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